Entertaining and helpful advice based on the ancient wisdom of astrology and the power of crystals. Read on to find out what the New Year has in store for you with Venus in Retrograde…
From 21st December 2013 – 31st January 2014
Over the Christmas and New Year period, a time of seasonal good will, its not exactly ideal for Venus the planet of harmony and relationships to appear to travel backwards in the solar system.
Venus influences our relationships, money, our love life, beauty and ascetics.
A retrograde Venus indicates that all of these areas are likely to come under some delay and confusion. For example, starting a new relationship, getting a new hairdo or makeover or starting some cosmetic surgery is strictly not advised during this period. Believe me, I write from hard experience. On numerous occasions, I have made a note that Venus in retrograde = no buying of new luxury items (bags, a pen, new coat etc). So, I avert my eyes from all of the displayed temptations and promise to return to them when the retrograde period ends.
Then, out of the blue, something wonderful on a hanger virtually walks over to me. It hypnotises me and I feel as if I could not possibly exist without it. I go on to persuade myself that if I don’t purchase it, this wonderful item will be snapped up by someone else before the retrograde period ends. What a grave mistake to walk off without buying it! So I cave in; I am convinced that this will be happy ever after, so I gleefully spend oodles I haven’t got and congratulate myself on my good fortune.
It usually takes about 48 hours before I come back down to earth and realise that I did not need to make the purchase. I already have 2 like it, it’s the wrong colour and/or I find it’s half the price somewhere else. That’s what a retrograde Venus does. You know it’s going to end up badly, but it’s as if you’re mesmerised. You go ahead as if in a trance, getting that new hairdo, a nose job or a new kitchen. The compulsion will be great at this time…but don’t do it! Listen to experience. The last time Venus went retrograde in Capricorn was throughout January 2006. If you can recall what happened at that time, then you can expect similar experiences. Astrologers have long predicted that during Venus retrograde cycles, relationships can become strained and we can appear more cold and less affectionate. We are suspicious of others and it’s hard to make headway in relationships.
But there does exist a very positive side to this Venus retrograde period. Any reconciliations with others will go well and renewing, meeting up with old acquaintances and friends will be auspicious and meaningful. A perfect time for reflection. You can make great plans to decorate and make physical overhauls – just keep them at planning stage until the cycle is over.
To get though this period successfully using this aspect, we need to keep to some strict rules during the holiday period, then we can transform any difficulties into positive experiences.
1. Make the commitment not to create any conflict whatsoever, however tempted you are. Particularly with partners, family and work colleagues.
2. Have no expectations of anyone. if someone does not return your affection, compliment, etc. Leave it alone and let go. All will go well when the cycle finishes.
3. Curb any enthusiasm for new objects and people we first come across, as our emotional judgement is not ready for action at this time.
For Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn this will probably effect you more than the other signs. Just don’t start a fight even if you are itching to – particular with close family and friends. You will deeply regret it. You see it may never blow over and the conflict could last forever. For Taurus this aspect falls in the your 9th house of long distance travel, people, religion and spouse. great time to plan a journey, course of education. Good to talk things over with your partner. For Gemini this is a time to reflect and go back over plans regarding inheritance, money and possessions. Leos must give some slack to work colleagues and assignments. Revisit health issues. Virgos will look to old conventional ways to beautify and socialise. For Scorpios, returning to an old neighbourhood or familiar short travel will bring peace and calm. Sagittarius, by all means plan and budget financially and all will go well. But take no action until after the cycle ends. Aquarius, acting with secrecy and discretion will work well for you now. For Pisces, wishes do come true. Just plan them out first and renew old acquaintances over the holiday period.
Crystal Aids for Venus Retrograde:
Rose Quartz (a Venus stone if there ever was one) will keep you calm and loving during this time. Put it in your pocket on your desk or get a few and scatter them round the table during the Christmas meal or on top of the TV. Makes the heart smile. Also, try wearing or travelling around with a moon stone. Lovely soothing feminine energy for both sexes. Aquamarine will also calm, cleanse the mind and get rid of that “victim” feeling.
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