Boyfriend jeans, brogues, loafers, lumberjack shirts, men’s suits, white shirts with a masculine cut…you name them, we’ve claimed them. It seems that when it comes to women wearing men’s clothes, there is no limit to what we will pilfer.
And it’s not as if we don’t have our own. When you compare wardrobe options between the sexes, for variety of design, colour combinations, shapes, cut, style and pretty much everything else, we win hands down – we are spoilt for choice.
So, what is it about men’s clothing that women love so much?
Maybe, just maybe, it’s because we wear them better than men do. Ok, before you blather on about generalising too much or being un-pc, just think about it.
You know when you go into a store and find something that wasn’t designed or intended to be worn in a certain way (and definitely not worn by you)? Then, you make it your own. You rock the hell out of it. It’s like you have defied the odds, you are a true artist, an icon, you can wear ANYTHING, even stuff that wasn’t made for you…
I have done it before and it feels awesome.
It’s the same feeling you get when you find the perfect top in the men’s section, or you wear your boyfriend’s jeans and they look better on you than they ever did on him. Rocking your dad’s blazer from the 70’s, with ripped jeans and spike boots, is like recycling something whilst improving on it’s intended function – it’s an upgrade, you are the vehicle and it’s just sodding poetic.
The other thing about men’s clothes is that they are so much easier to adapt. Being a looser fit means that there is often more fabric to play with. You can belt it, tailor it, tuck it in…whatever.
Not convinced? Just check out my list of women who wear men’s clothing better than the dudes:
- Jenna Lyons, Creative Director, J. Crew.
- Cara Delevigne, Model
- Rei Kawakubo, Fashion Designer
- Ellen Degeneres, Talk Show Host
- Teyana Taylor, Singer
- Esther Quek, Fashion Director
…I could go on for days.
Look, don’t get me wrong I like to see a man in a well cut suit (and suit shoes) and I know some really dapper guys. But if I am honest, 9 times out of 10, a woman will really work the look, add her own twist and take it to the next level. It’s an undeniable truth, men’s clothing looks freaking fabulous on women.
*My go-to for boy jeans at the moment is ETO, they have an affordable range and the cut is snug enough to save you from having boy bum:
So, what do you think?