What to eat when working from home…(vegan friendly)

Woman unwrapping chocolate in front of laptop

If ever there was a time to put in that request to work from home – that time is now my friend. Do I need to explain why? No…? Cool. You can fulfill your dreams of working in your PJs and watching Netflix until midday, but if you want some tips on how NOT to binge eat and to actually get work done too…read on. By Kiesha Meikle

It’s true, noone will know that you scoffed down that entire box of Krispy Kremes but if you’re clever,  you can throw in some healthy food choices between snacks too…you know, just for the gram:

Ok, I jest.

It’s actually a good idea to eat as healthily as possible when working from home, simply because eating badly is so easy. There are some tasty options that won’t pile on the calories or eat into your ‘work time’ (aka Netflix binge).  Here are a few vegan and healthy choices…

1, It’s vegan, it’s tasty and the packaging is pretty fancy too. The allplants range of packaged meals are a quick and easy option for when you need a hassle free healthy meal. They cook the  food from scratch, using the best and freshest ingredients so the meals don’t taste like traditional ready meals. My fav is the macaroni pasta tossed in cheesy, cashew cream with roasted cherry tomatoes, kale and smoky mushroom bacon. Yum!

2, Let’s get one thing clear. If you work from home you are going to eat chocolate, period. You are better off opting for the best you can find, rather than fighting a losing battle. With Ombar chocolate you just need a little because the flavour is INTENSE. Forgo the milk and sugar in your coffee and have a square of this instead. Oh and it’s vegan.

3. If you have enough time to cook a meal, then pasta is a great idea. Seggiano foods are gmo-free and made without artifice or the use of preservatives and industrial processing. They do a huge range of pasta including organic and gluten free so you can have an extra large bowl without too much guilt.

4, Ever heard of Goldenberries? They are from Ecuador and offer an abundance of super nutrients to help the body and immune system function. They are the perfect snack for that 3pm crash and are a great replacement for chocolate biscuits.

5, Try swapping those sugary teas for green tea. Alternatively, try mixing yourself  a smoothy using some almond milk  and a bit of spinach for a refreshing drink that isn’t too sweet.

Now for the work bit. If your plan is to do some actual work, here are a few of my top tips for increased productivity:

  1. Make a schedule – before you sit down to work – with clear goals and time slots
  2. Review you work at intervals, check you are actually getting things done and not just procrastinating or getting distracted by snack time and social media breaks
  3. Book a teleconference and use it as a deadline to get specific tasks done
  4. Prepare lunch the day before – or you will end up wasting time cooking up something way too extravagant
  5. Check emails at the start and end of the day
  6. Shower and get dressed – but don’t spend too much time doing this, a simple wash and ‘throw on’ situation is best
  7. Don’t answer personal calls…just don’t
  8. Do the most difficult task first
  9. Don’t feel you need to work normal hours
  10. Review at the end of the day and then again at the end of the week

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